Sunday, March 2, 2025

More John Cale

      It's late and I still have some work to finish on a Sunday night, so I have to keep it short.  As I noted last week, I tried to include a lot of obscurities so I need to give credit to a great Youtube playlist.  I would have included more, but there were a number of great live cuts that were recorded at a problematically low level for inclusion in a compliation.  Nonetheless, I owe the creator of the playlist a great deal of gratitude and highly recommend it any time you want to binge on John Cale.

Hope everyone enjoys this third volume


In Memoriam John Cage-Call Waiting (1)

John Cale


Brian Eno & John Cale

Set Me Free

John Cale

Night Crawling

John Cale


Anna Calvi and John Cale

Empty Bottles

John Cale & Lou Reed


John Cale

Dr. Mudd

John Cale

Memories of Paris: President Y Is Still Stable

John Cale


John Cale

Execute the Second Group

John Cale

Buffalo Ballet

John Cale