In case you've forgotten, there was a period in the 70s when southern rock (sometimes labeled southern boogie) was quite the rage - at least on fm rock radio. Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Charlie Daniels Band, The Marshall Tucker Band (and a couple of others I'm forgetting) were staples of the playlists on all the New York City rock stations I listened to as a teen. Fast forward 7-8 years and a different kind of southern rock emerged - the great jangle pop revolution of the mid 80s spearheaded, of course, by R.E.M. Now, I would bet there's still a lot of folks who still listen to those 80s R.E.M. albums, but just in case folks have forgotten Let's Active, Pylon, Guadalcanal Diary, Love Tractor, etc., here's a couple of southern rock compilations.
Hyena R.E.M.
Easy Does Let's Active
Colorblind the Windbreakers
Satan Love Tractor
Watusi Rodeo Guadalcanal Diary
Stop It Pylon
Oddfellows Local 151 R.E.M.
Laredo Radio The Swimming Pool Q's
Wheel of Pleasure Love Tractor
Plus 7 Fetchin' Bones
Make Up With Me Let's Active
Ten Layers Down Let's Active
Just Fine The Windbreakers
Trail of Tears Guadalcanal Diary
Driver 8 R.E.M.
Crazy Pylon
Blue Tomorrow The Swimming Pool Q's
7 Chinese Brothers R.E.M.
So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry) R.E.M.
Catch the Wind Drivin' N' Cryin'
Gilbert Takes the Wheel Guadalcanal Diary
Run The Windbreakers
Changeless The Windbreakers
Torn Apart The Spongetones
Crystal World Love Tractor
Danger Pylon
Auctioneer (Another Engine) R.E.M.
Volume Pylon
Venice Love Tractor
Reflecting Pool Let's Active
Why Do the Heathen Rage? Guadalcanal Diary